Let things go with the river of life, love and time.
It goes as it goes. Softly, wild, like water,
shimmering in the moon, flowing away,
forever and ever, passing away and never
coming back.
Leaving behind the trees at the riverside.
Leaving behind those who crossed the river.
Leaving behind the flying birds.
Bringing new and fresh waters
coming from far away and going far,
too far to follow.
Once in a life starting with the beginning
and ending with the end.
Maybe is not too bad.
Maybe would be the right thing.
My heart is beating. My soul is shivering.
My soul is like the moon,
receiving secret light and secrets of wisdom.
Leaving everything behind, for one flight
and another flight back.
A flight to light and love.
Letting things go.
No worries. No stories. No drama – as you are
the drama queen.
Put the drama in your books and writing.
Put the drama in your books and writing.
And live happily and quiet with all that you give,
with all that you receive.